The Firm is committed to ensure professional development of lawyers and support staff. The Firm has supported the efforts of lawyers and staff for enhancement of their qualifications and has sponsored them to receive degrees such as license in law, LL.M. and MBA. Besides, there are many courses in universities, conferences and workshops that are conducted in Bahrain and other countries for which the lawyers are sponsored in order to ensure that the lawyers are upto date in their knowledge and skills. Examples of such conferences are: (a) conference on Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and Bahrain; (b) English language courses in universities in England; and (c) Islamic financing. In addition, sabbatical leave is granted to interested lawyers so that they may enhance their knowledge and skills.


  • Banking
  • Civil
  • Insurance
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Intellectual Property
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Labour Law
  • Contract Law
  • Construction Law
  • Tech & Telecoms Law
  • Real Estate
  • Maritime Law
  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency
  • Company Formation
  • Domestic & International Arbitration
  • Oil & Gas
  • General Litigation

Notice: For urgent matters only during the normal weekends or during the official public holidays, Please call +973 39034295 or +973 39662362

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